Studying The Work Of Those Before Me

On my journey to discover better photography, I found photographers that truly inspired me. I found frames that created an emotional response within me like a magnetic pull to that scene. I found photographers who’s work gave me a sense of awe. Particularly work from Hannah Starkey, Rico Reinhold, Josh Jack and Andre Josselin to name a few.

Hannah Starkey

This photo is one of my favourites from Hannah. Her street photography was before her time and helped me realise street photography’s historical importance

Rico Reinhold

This man’s portrait work is so inspiring to me. His colours and ability to capture a “scene” is amazing. I want to be as good as him one day

Josh Jack

This mans colour and compositions tells me I’ve got more work to do. His neon streets, rainy nights and low light work inspires a lot of my work

Andre Josselin

The way this man captures life makes me think mine is boring. His eastern European style is an inspiration and a testament to the lifestyle

Looking at these artists and they way they see the world has been a driving force in my desire to improve. Their edits as well as their frames show me there is no limit to how much I can improve, and while I wish to be as talented as them, I know I’m right where I need to be, as they were once before me.


Becoming Aware Of My Bubble


Hannah Starkey