Realising My Love Of Film

Film to me became alluring because it felt alive. My photography for me was practicing my composition and lighting, but also capturing the stories and lives of the people in my life. However where a photo suggested a narrative and could connote meaning and emotion, a film would literally immerse you in a characters life. It is a more interactive experience that is the closet thing we have to experiencing another’s relationship to being alive. It allows us to experience more of the lives of others and share that experience in a communal manner, as you share the experience with those watching the film with you. You discuss what happened and what you saw, what you thought should’ve happened and what you would’ve done given the same circumstances.

Get Out

The question of what would you do when watching events unfold to a specific character

Spider Man Into The Spiderverse

We get to see people have experiences we wish we could have

Ex Machina

Films can illustrate perspectives you could never experience

With all this taken into consideration I made the decision to strive for an education in filmmaking, because it would improve my abilities with a camera but help to communicate emotion and narrative to a viewer. Both my photography and my filmmaking would benefit from an education in film and they work together collaboratively. I want to be able to tell a story in a single frame and then stretch that frame out and introduce movement and action to them. I wanted to create work that made people feel something, rather than my work being a passive experience. What created the strongest response within me was the beauty in the visuals and I decided to pursue not only how to make a shot beautiful, but how to make it so beautiful that it moved people. To convey emotion in what a person sees and to be responsible for what the audience saw on screen.

Cinema Paradiso

Sharing the experience

Cinema Paradiso

All sharing the same wonder and enjoyment

Cinema Paradiso

A reason for people to come together


The Introduction Of Film


Getting A Job